Band of Beads is re-born

"Why did I leave the art? Why did I leave the expression of friendship? How in the world did I forget about these bands?"
My mind was storming with all sorts of questions. Questions, which seemed to have no answers.

Life seemed to show its magic. The magic of time, and what it can do to you. This band, lying in a bag, had such a beautiful story about time. The past, and the current.

But what about the future? What about the unanswered questions? What about the art? I decided to make a band right away. And to my surprise, I still remembered every single step of making it! 

After a while, a fresh band lay in front of me! There was a sense of joy inside me. An accomplishment. A delight. A feeling, which you get when you see a sapling coming out of a seed... The familiar "aroma" of wet mud, when it first rains. So fresh. So pleasant.



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