Old is Gold!


A snapshot of life-events. 

Sometimes, forgotten in the sands of time. 

Sometimes, gulped by monstrous storms. 

Sometimes, hidden in a treasure-box - waiting to be re-discovered one day....

I too have a sweet memory. A timeless memory, still alive! In fact, the witness... of togetherness... an analog wrist watch!

An analog wrist watch. It has many strong competitors - digital wrist watch, pulse rate wrist watch, mobile-cum-wrist watch... and the list goes on! Eventually, they are all add-ons to the original! The beauty lies in how three hands and a dozen numbers communicate throughout the day, for days... till the battery needs a change! It is in the journey of these three hands, that we witness the various plays of life, with varying roles! With each role comes a different personality and a new you! But what remains inside, is the ORIGINAL you! And YOU are different!

My analog wrist watch was a wonderful gift on a wonderful life-event. Its factory-made bands kept changing, but the clock remains the same! There was a point when I realized that the band can be unique, not like the crowd of factory-made! "How about some hand-made stuff?", I thought. That's when I put on my thinking hats to design what would best go with a symbol of memory. MY memory.

A band with beads or a band with charms? Wow! Choices to make already! Eventually, the whole process is another memory, which would be my constant companion, whatever the time!

A timeless memory


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